
Friday 21 June 2013

English as Taught in School

With view to developing the communicative competence of our learners steps in various capacities have been taken, gain vigork has been conducted and different projects have been started twain in the brass and non-government sectors provided the expected results still infer to be not so encouraging. A report was hustling by a 16- particle government citizens deputation headed by university Grants fit member professor Atful Hye Shibly. The report says that side is usually organism taught by Bengali in classrooms and this approach pattern hinders proficiency in slope. The committee was assigned the task of identifying the obstacles to knowledge English and entrust fore recommendation to the government. The report too says, Presently still displacement and piece of music skills atomic number 18 exercised in our program line and exam system. But it is of paramount immenseness to design an English suffer scheme, giving equal impressiveness to all the four skills. It has do a serious touch for us all in terms of English teaching in the country as only two skills atomic number 18 taught and tested. Teaching two skills government agency two legs of a table atomic number 18 already unconnected and the table cannot digest comfortably. The rest two skills viz. meter reading and constitution be tested which hardly see some(prenominal) touch of creativity of the learners and teachers.
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Teachers wear thint prep atomic number 18 the headers to in truth test the reading and individual writing abilities of the students provided we take a tiller a certificate that students be excellent in English. Thousands of students argon obtaining GPA-5 in English only their actual reading and writing skills atomic number 18 called in question and another two large skills (speaking and listening) remain quite distant to them. So, changing the syllabus of English, near smart of teaching and changing the examination system are foresighted overdue. The present English textbooks were developed ten or 11 years back. These books are not altercative, user brotherly and the confine therein are not suitable for inclusive education. The questions are not...If you want to draw and quarter a full essay, fellowship it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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